
May 1, 2017

You've been Trumped (#4)

Series on "You've been Trumped" : #1 - #2 - #3 - #4 - #5 - #6

Le début de l’ère Trump me rappelle de plus en plus les débuts du IIIe Reich quand les voyous incultes et ignares ont investi les hautes sphères du pouvoir: même grossièreté, même arrogance, même désir de s’en mettre plein les poches, même exaltation du pouvoir sans une once de conscience des lourdes responsabilités qui l’accompagnent.

Dans - May 2, 2017
Professor Timothy Snyder, a leading academic at Yale University, said the US President was already displaying “fascistic” tendencies and could be tempted by a new political system that does not rely on elections. (..) Professor Snyder also claimed Mr Trump was already displaying a number of “fascistic” tendencies, including telling lies, publicly naming his enemies and removing opponents from his rallies – something he said was “without exaggeration, just like the 1920s and the 1930s”. He added: “As I see it, there are certainly elements of his approach which are fascistic. The straight-on confrontation with the truth is at the centre of the fascist worldview. The attempt to undo the Enlightenment as a way to undo institutions, that is fascism. Whether he realises it or not is a different question, but that’s what fascists did. “They said: 'Don’t worry about the facts, don’t worry about logic, think instead in terms of mystical unities and direct connections between the mystical leader and the people.' That’s fascism. Whether we see it or not, whether we like it or not, whether we forget, that is fascism."

Dans La Presse - May 1, 2017
L'administration Trump a mis un frein à un programme initié par l'ancienne Première dame, Michelle Obama, pour promouvoir des repas plus sains dans les cantines scolaires avec moins de sel, de graisses et de sucre. (..) Cette initiative jugée cruciale contre l'obésité infantile mettait des restrictions sur les quantités de sel et les laits sucrés et imposait d'augmenter la quantité de céréales complètes dans les repas scolaires. (,.) Environ un jeune Américain sur six âgé de 2 à 19 ans est en surpoids ou obèse, selon les Centres fédéraux de contrôle et de prévention des maladies (CDC).

«J’aimais ma vie précédente. Il se passait tellement de choses. À présent, j’ai beaucoup plus de travail qu’auparavant. Je pensais que ce serait plus facile.» - Donald Trump, président des États-Unis, admettant lors de son interview accordée à Reuters que sa fonction est plus difficile qu’animer une émission de télé-réalité et vendre son nom à des promoteurs.
NDLR: Nihevitra fa hoe, ny fitondrana firenena dia toa ny resadresaka eny ampitaingenana tamboho, ka vitavitaina @ "on-n'a-qu'â", na araky ny hiran'i Mahaleo sy ny "tao antsekoly"-ny. Dia toa izay koa no nataon-dry mpanongam-panjakana 2009.

Dans CNN - Apr 27, 2017
It was quite the spectacle. Nearly every member of the world's greatest deliberative body piling onto buses to take the mile-long ride to the White House on Wednesday afternoon was the definition of a made-for-TV moment. (..) "We learned nothing you couldn't read in the newspaper," Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley told CNN's Erin Burnett Wednesday night. "It felt more like a dog-and-pony show to me than anything else," Illinois Sen. Tammy Duckworth told CNN's Anderson Cooper. "I guess it has something to do with this 100 days in office."(..) Trump, of course, is far from the only president (or politician) to stage a photo op. It happens all the time. But rarely do you see US senators used as the scenery the way they were on Wednesday.

Dans La Presse - Apr 26, 2017
Attaques antimédias, fausses informations, répression et triomphe d'«hommes forts» comme Trump ou Erdogan: «Jamais la liberté de la presse n'a été aussi menacée», s'alarme Reporters sans frontières (RSF) dans son rapport 2017 publié mercredi. (..) «L'obsession de la surveillance et le non-respect du secret des sources contribuent à faire glisser vers le bas de nombreux pays considérés hier comme vertueux: les États-Unis (43e, -2 places), le Royaume-Uni (40e, -2), ... «L'arrivée au pouvoir de Donald Trump aux États-Unis et la campagne du Brexit au Royaume-Uni ont offert une caisse de résonance au "médias bashing" et aux fausses nouvelles», déplore RSF.  Et «partout où le modèle de l'homme fort et autoritaire triomphe, la liberté de la presse recule».

Dans MSN News - Apr 26, 2017
A pair of former American ambassadors to Canada have criticized U.S. President Donald Trump for his string of remarks about the northern neighbour, calling it counter-productive to seriously resolving trade issues. (..) "Words matter. Words matter diplomatically. Words matter with leaders. And I think the words that have been used have been unfortunate, and have not been constructive,'' Bruce Heyman (Barack Obama's last envoy to Ottawa) (...) ''We will not stand for this,'' Trump wrote. ''Watch!''(..) ''It's goofy stuff, unbecoming of our relationship, and frankly unbecoming of the leader of our country," said Blanchard, a Michigan governor before heading to Ottawa in the 1990s...  "I don't even think the president knows what he wants to do here. He just likes to negotiate, and bully...
Dans Washington Post - Apr 26, 2017
“This is his typical way of doing things — saying completely unreasonable things as a negotiating posture,” said John Masswohl, the trade group’s director of government and international relations.

Dans MedCity News - Apr 23, 2017
According to organizers, over 600 marches (of Science) took place across all seven continents (Antartica included). (..) While it was publicized as a bipartisan movement, a lot of angst and poster real estate was directed against President Trump’s proposed funding cuts to science, environmental protection, and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). In its current form, Trump’s budget blueprint would cut $5.8 billion or 22.4 percent of the NIH’s funding. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is in for much worse. Protesters also took aim at a perceived devaluing of science and evidence-based policy making by the Trump administration. The concerns there range from his denial of climate change, collaboration with anti-vaccine leaders, and the new phenomenon of “alternative facts.”

Dans CNN - Apr 21. 2017
President Trump's budget proposal, unveiled in March, outlined $54 billion in cuts across government programs to make way for an increase in defense spending... Trump's proposed $5.8 billion budget cut to the NIH... "It's not so much me being out of a job. It's taking away the hope for the patient and that's disgusting," she said. Beyond the research woes, for Paul, it's about sending a message that science will not be silenced. "The draconian cuts would destroy work that's ongoing...". "If we do nothing, we face a crisis for biodiversity and people," she said. "Extreme weather events will be the norm, sea level rise will force people to migrate, diseases with certain vectors will spread to more people; the list goes on and on."

Dans Politifact
.. Trump-O-Meter, which will track 102 of the most significant pledges emblematic of his unconventional campaign. The Trump-O-Meter will measure whether Trump is able to accomplish what he told voters and ultimately rate each promise Kept, Broken or Compromise. It’s the same process we used to track the campaign promises made by President Barack Obama.
Dans ABC News - Apr 24, 2017
Donald Trump promise tracker: Where his pledges stand. As President Trump and his administration take action on the 13 promises we have selected, we have started updating each one's status as broken, untouched, changed, discussed, unclear, in progress or kept.

Dans The Star - Apr 19, 2017
Hodson says antagonism among Canadian anti-abortionists is rising. Emboldened by Trump — who is trying to defund Planned Parenthood nationally — and various cruelties imposed on American women state by state, Canada is seen as “a lawless land of abortion,” Hodson says. Hodson says the demonstrators on the clinic sidewalk endanger patients. When they’re clustered outside the door, she doesn’t know if they’re domestic abusers waiting for patients to enter or waiting to punish them after they leave.

Dans CNN - Apr 12, 2017
Donald Trump just keeps saying things that aren't true
Great win in Kansas last night for Ron Estes, easily winning the Congressional race against the Dems, who spent heavily & predicted victory!
First, national Democrats did not, in fact, "spend heavily." (..) Second, Democrats didn't predict victory in the special election. (..) During the campaign, Trump outright declared or strongly insinuated -- among many, many other misleading statements -- that:
* He saw Muslims celebrating on the roofs of New Jersey buildings on the night of September 11, 2001 (no evidence exists)
* Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's father was somehow involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy (he wasn't)
* "Inner city crime" was soaring to record levels (it wasn't)
* The "real" unemployment rate was 42% (it wasn't)
* He was opposed to the war in Iraq from the start (he wasn't)
There's more. But you get the idea...

Dans CNN - Apr 12, 2017
Trump's stunning u-turns on NATO, China, Russia and Syria. Within a few hours of extraordinary political shape-shifting, President Donald Trump abandoned stances that were at the bedrock of his establishment-bashing campaign. NATO, he said, is "no longer obsolete." He backed down a threat to brand China a currency manipulator. In another reversal, Trump praised Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen, whom he had previously pledged to replace when her term expires...

Series on "You've been Trumped" : #1 - #2 - #3 - #4 - #5 - #6

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